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10 good reasons to change to dual fuel smart service stations

All-Energy Conference - 15 September 2020, Glasgow, Scotland

Ambulances - Fiat Ducato battery electric conversion West Midlands NHS Trust

Ammonia - NH3, hydrogen and nitrogen highly corrosive compound (gas)

Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018, UK statute for provision of refuelling services

Automotive Transformation Fund - Round 10

Aviation applications

Bart Biebuyck - Executive officer Hydrogen Fuel Cell - Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU)

Batteries - Where would modern society be without them

Bill Gates - $600 million dollar 376 foot hydrogen powered superyacht

Black hydrogen - Is produced from bituminous coal

Blue Gas - Tesla Killer

Blue Hydrogen - Steam methane reformation with carbon capture, is classed as Blue Hydrogen

Bolt-On Compatibility Kit - Universal energy cartridge range extenders.

British Volt - Lithium battery manufacturer (start-up) in the UK

Brown Hydrogen - Is produced from lignite coal

CCAM - Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility - Horizon Europe

Chinese pilot cluster hydrogen development programme - Green Power Global briefing 26 November 2021

Circular Economics - The electorate believed politicians as to continuous growth

Climate Change Act 2008 - Global rising temperatures warming planet earth

Climate Change & Global Warming A - Z

Cobalt - limited mineral deposits

Code Red - IPCC report 2021: Have we passed the 1.5 degree tipping point already?


Crowd Funding

Cryogenics - Storing hydrogen as minus freezing temperatures as a liquid

Day - Hydrogen Day 8th October 2020

Dispatch - Power plant sourcing and operations


DSOs - Distribution System Operators

EGYPES - Egypt Energy Conferences, Petroleum/Oil and Natural Gas Brokerage event, February 2024

E-Mobility - Electro Mobility

Electrolysis - World Congress 8-9 February 2022

Electrolyzers - Industrial scale hydrogen production via electrolysis

Energy Act 2004 -

Energy Observer & Hynova New Era, hydrogen powered boats - ZEWTS

Environmental Audit Committee - UK Parliament July 2020, Inquiry

EU Energy Focus - Support and advice for UK applicants to Horizon Europe

European Clean Hydrogen Alliance - The (new 2021) energy Cold War

European Commission -

European Green Deal - Increasing green hydrogen production for 2030

FCEVs - Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles

FCH-JU - Fuel Cell Hydrogen - Joint Undertaking, European association

Feasibility studies - Van & Truck range extending accessory kit for EVs

Fire Engines - Truck conversions to battery electric for emergency appliances

Finance - UK and EU funding grants and corporate investments

Flat Packs - Smartnet™ lower cost service stations

Fuel Cells -

Geospatial - Webinar 30 June 2020 - Data sharing - Service Stations

Gray Hydrogen - Produced by steam methane reformation

Green Hydrogen - Produced via electrolysis from renewable energy is termed Green Hydrogen

H2ME - Hydrogen Mobility Europe, Phase 1 January 2021

Hedge Funds - Hedging your bets when investing in renewables and battery technology

Horizon Europe  2021 - 2021 Cluster 5

                       - €100 billion funding programme, 35% aimed at climate change

                       - Energy storage & distribution, Mobility infrastructure combination

                       - Smart EV charging and V2G (Vehicle to Grid) flexibility

                       - Next generation BEVs 2Zero, Last green mile deliveries


                       - Battery consortium building webinar 8th March 2022 UKTI Horizon Europe

                       - CL5-D2-01-08 - Next generation transport high performance battery

                       - CL5-D2-01-11 - CIVITAS mobility innovation coordination

                                  - CL5-2021-D6-01-06: Coordination large demonstration CCAM pilot

Hydrogen Battery - Car and trike, Dr. Sandor Kulcsar

Hydrogen Day - 8th October 2020

Hydrogen Highways - The backbone of a risk resilient transport system

Hydrogen Week

Infrastructure Insecurity - The political will may be there, but not the energy carriers

IPCEIs - Important Project of Common European Interest

IPO - Initial Public Offering

Jules Verne - Science fiction become fact: World Hydrogen Challenge

Jumbo - The bigger picture

Kryptonite -

Lithium -

Liquid hydrogen - LH2, cryogenic freezing gas

Load Levelling - Using green hydrogen cost effectively

Marine applications

Mercedes-Benz - First (land) world hydrogen circumnavigation

Methanol - CH3OH methyl alcohol - a versatile clean burning fuel or energy carrier for fuel cells

Mutual Funds - Safer investing in renewables and battery technology

Nikola Vs Tesla - July 2020

OZEV - Office for Zero Emission Vehicles Funding Competition Summary March 2021

         - Eligibility, Scope, How to Apply, Collaborative R&D rates, Supporting Info

         - Challenges: 1 Range, 2 Adoption, 3 Special Vs, 4 User Experience, 5 Recycling

Patents - SMARTER energy supply infrastructure (application pending)

Pay As You Drive - PAYD

Petitions - DPD 2020, calling for more service facilities and electric vans

Philippe Vannson - Chef d'unite chez European Commission

Pink hydrogen - Produced using nuclear power

Prospectus - What is it ? - Exemptions

Questions and Answers -

Redispatch - Power plant operations renewable electricity

Risks - Assessing sustainable energy for a circular economy

Saxon Bullet - Hydrogen compound & fuel cell powered electric sports car

Shares and Stocks - What is the difference ?

Smart Cities & Towns - Don't get too excited, there aren't any yet

Smartnet - Load levelling hydrogen and lithium battery charging service stations

Telegraph - July 2018, Hydrogen fuel cells long term solution, but what about today?

Total - News 1st hydrogen service station opens in Ingolstadt, Germany 2018

Transport - Automotive, Aviation and Marine applications

TSOs - Transmission System Operators

Turquoise Hydrogen - Is produced via pyrolysis

UKRI - Innovate UK, research and innovation grants

UK - World hydrogen conference (online) 8th December 2021 - Green Power Global

Ultra Violet -

Valerie Bouillon-Delporte - Appointed Executive Director 1st June 2024 - Clean Hydrogen Partnership

Variability - Catering for as many OEMs as possible

V2G - Vehicles to Grids, load leveling using private cars and plug-in discharging

Week - Hydrogen week

What is a Hydrogen Battery?

Where is my nearest H2 filling station in Asia, Japan, Korea, China?

Where is my nearest H2 filling station in Europe?

Where is my nearest H2 filling station in the UK?

Where is my nearest H2 filling station in the US?

White hydrogen - naturally geologically occurring gas

WIPO - World Intellectual Property Office on climate change

World Electrolysis Congress - Amsterdam 13 December 2021 - Radisson Blu, Hamburg, 8 February 2022

World Hydrogen Congress - 22 September 2020, Paris, France

X Factor -

Yellow hydrogen production using solar panels and electrolysis

Yes - A positive attitude to sharing technology

Zero Emissions

ZEWT - Elizabeth Swann zero emission waterborne transport, super-yacht






Hydrogen powered electric buses are becoming very popular. With exchange refuelling using high pressure gas cartridges, or liquid hydrogen cartridges, coaches and trucks might have unlimited ranges.





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