The Power of Place – A Sustainable Future with Geospatial Insights taking place
There are billions of sensors collecting data everywhere on Earth, and hundreds of earth
observation satellites monitoring the health of the planet. Miniaturisation of
electronics enables the production of increasingly smaller payloads for
cubesats, drones and ground-based monitoring systems. Meanwhile, cloud based computing is providing the
computational power to experiment with new business models, making geospatial data available via platforms
in near real-time.
Many consider it is important to build a collaborative economy that unlocks data from silos and uses collective intelligence
tools to harnesses knowledge across sectors. We agree with that premise
insofar as it does not compromise the simplicity of the target system, that
should be stand alone secure, while taking/adding information to the hub -
provided only that such information is beneficial to society - and in no way
compromises the proposed smart energy infrastructure, that is possible with
a universal energy cartridge and fuel supply netowork. On
the 30th of June 2020, a webinar took place on this subject, with
contributions from five speakers, coordinated by Kim MacAllister.

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copyright © Climate Change Trust 2020. Solar
Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom.